Bonny Lhokta
“Gliding Flight”
“St. Francis: Bountiful Earth”
UV printed acrylic
Artist Statement
Lhotka’s work at St. Francis Interquest depicts a dancing and joyful St. Francis, friend to all of God’s creatures. The inspiration for this feature wall comes from St. Francis' "Canticle of the Creatures”, “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”, which is a hymn of praise that summarizes Francis’ journey to God in and through the beautiful things of creation. He is portrayed dancing with God and holding up a sunlike disc with the moon and stars in the distance. The prayer continues to praise Sister Water, Brother Fire, and Sister Earth our Mother, all elements of nature that can be seen in this stained glass inspired art piece. To illustrate St. Francis’ love for animals and accounts of his ability to speak and preach to birds, a mobile of birds take flight from the feature wall and continue down the waiting room lobby. This installation in its entirety illustrates the legacy of St. Francis and his love for animals and nature.
Artist Bio
Bonny Lhotka is a mixed-media artist based in Denver, CO. Her work explores the intersection of natural forms and digital technology by creating abstracted pieces that transform the space they occupy. Lhotka’s work has shown internationally and can be found in the permanent collections of the Albuquerque Art Museum and the Smithsonian American Art Museum.